Innovative solutions in biomonitoring and metabolomics

Pioneers in biomarker research

We serve different industries, research groups and governmental agencies within the environmental, occupational, food, tobacco and pharma fields. ABF provides its services to corresponding industry, academic and governmental institutions.

We are an accredited bioanalytical laboratory with over four decades of experience in the analysis of biomarkers of exposure and biomarkers of potential harm within clinical and epidemiological studies.

1,200 m2

Our analytical portfolio is constantly growing with over 70 methods for biomarker analysis today. Through continuous improvements in terms of throughput and capacities ABF is able to analyze 100,000+ samples per year.

40+ years of experience
in biomarker analysis

Experience History

The laboratory was founded in 1980 under the leadership of the then director, Prof. Helmut Schievelbein. A main area of the lab work was the determination of biomarkers such as carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) as well as nicotine and nicotine metabolites in body fluids. From 1984 to 1988, Prof. Franz Adlkofer was head of the laboratory. Since mid of 1988, Professor Dr. Gerhard Scherer is head and general manager of the laboratory. The main area of research focused on assessing the dose and early biological effects of active smoking and passive smoking (exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)) by both air monitoring and biomonitoring techniques. Simultaneously, the exposure to other sources (diet, work-place, environment) was assessed. With the beginning of 2002, ABF GmbH Analytisch-biologisches Forschungslabor is an independent contract laboratory. Our services are of particular interest for both the industry and governmental agencies. With our expertise in toxicity testing and human biomonitoring we are able to deliver important data in exposure assessment and product testing for our clients.

State-of-the-art instrumentation

Our LC-MS/MS and GC-MS equipment pool

QExactive HF-X

ABF's equipment pool consists of the newest generation of LC-MS/MS systems:

  • 2x Sciex QTrap6500+ LC-MS/MS
  • 1x Waters Xevo TQS LC-MS/MS
  • 1x Sciex API 5000 LC-MS/MS
  • 2x Sciex API 4000 LC-MS/MS
  • 1x Thermo QExactive HF-X high resolution LC-MS for untargeted analysis such as metabolomics or exposomics and compound identification.

ABF's equipment pool consists of the newest generation of GC-MS(/MS) systems:

  • 1x Shimadzu TQ8050 GC-MS/MS

  • 1x Thermo ISQ GC-MS

  • 1x Agilent 5975XL GC-MS

  • 1x Markes GC-TOF-MS for untargeted analysis such as metabolomics or exposomics and compound identification.

  • All our GC systems can be equipped with our thermodesorption unit TD 100xr from Markes for exhaled breath analysis.

Quality standards

ABF is accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 since 2004. All analytical methods are fully validated according to ICH M10 FDA Guidlines on Bioanalytical Method Validation and Study Sample Analysis, a comprehensive list of flexible accredited methods can be found here. The bioanalytical methods are routinely run in compliance with the principles of GLP and GCP. Furthermore, the aspects of GCLP, as summarized in the EMA Reflection Paper, were taken into account in our laboratory procedures. Our QM system is routinely audited internally as well as by external bodies such as the DAkkS, LGL or on the Sponsor's behalf. Our biomarker data were used to support numerous submissions to regulatory agencies. ABF participates on a regular basis on external proficiency testing programmes. ABF was appointed as reference laboratory for numerous analytes by the “German External Quality Assessment Scheme” (GEQUAS).

What's new?

In the area of human biomonitoring, we expanded our portfolio by adding three new methods in the year 2024 alone. We continue to enlarge our HBM toolbox for various compound classes like pesticides, phthalates and emerging chemicals. On top of that, we developed non-targeted methods to decipher the exposome in urine, plasma and exhaled breath. You can find more details in our recent publications:

Scientific consulting

ABF published 40+ articles in peer-reviewed journals in the last 20 years. Take advantage of our vast scientific expertise!

Our Team

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Scherer
Director / Test Facility Management

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Scherer

Chemist/Biochemist, Toxicologist, PhD

Dr. Max Scherer
General Manager / Test Facility Management

Dr. Max Scherer

Chemist, PhD

Dr. Nikola Pluym
Technical Director / Principal Investigator

Dr. Nikola Pluym

Chemist, PhD

All our staff has an academic background and is specialized in (bio)-analytical chemistry. Our team consists of medicinal chemists, food chemists, biochemists, and chemical engineers with long-lasting expertise in handling of various biological specimens, MS-based analytical techniques, and data processing/evaluation. Our staff is regularly trained in new analytical techniques and up to date in terms of regulatory requirements.
Laboratory Head / Principal Investigator

Dr. Therese Burkhardt

Analytical Chemist, PhD
Quality Assurance

Christine Hauser

Quality Assurance

Dr. Carolin Diepenbruck

Biologist, PhD
Senior Scientist / Quality Management

Kirsten Riedel

Chemist (Dipl.)
Laboratory Analyst

Janina Mütze

Chemical Engineer
Laboratory Analyst

Carmen Tiwald

Pharmaceutical Scientist
Laboratory Analyst

Veronika Spindler

Food Chemist
Laboratory Analyst

Johanna Kugele

Food Chemist
Laboratory Analyst

Marta Latawiec

Chemical Engineer
Laboratory Analyst

Michael Sprenzel

Chemist, B.Sc.
Laboratory Analyst

Richard Kanis

Chemical Engineer
Head of Accounting

Sylvia Kainz

PhD Student

Simona Balherr

PhD Student

Amin Sajid